Picture Of Women Boating What Is The Difference Between This Photos And The Reactions Out Of People?

What is the difference between this photos and the reactions out of people? - picture of women boating

Ok, the scrolling (down until you see), Courtney Cox, her husband and daughter in a boat .... If your daughter will have a life jacket?
No .... Why does not the media or which they say is a bad mother?

http://search.yahoo.com/search?ei=utf-8 & ...

Ok look at this second picture and tell me what the difference is and why people say that this person is a bad mother?

http://www.usmagazine.com/britney_baby_d ...

What is the difference if the two children of these women have no life jackets, but one and people say, aww take care of family, that in a boat, not so much the head?


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